I seem to be getting some heat for not posting the "full" live chat with Nicky. I don't have it anymore but what I can offer up instead is the chat with ole Kasey. The lovely operator that sold me on the ski boots. Enjoy...
Kasey: hi
Kasey: how can I help you?
you: Hi casey
Kasey: hi
you: what are you wearing
Kasey: lol
you: you want to video chat this?
Kasey: a beanie, jeans and a sweatshirt
you: im in my underwear
Kasey: og my
you: all along
Kasey: oh my*
you: is chappy there
Kasey: lol
you: or is he eating donuts
Kasey: nope
Kasey: maybe
you: whats the BEST kids ski boot you guys have for a 6 year old park skier
you: softest, easiest to get in
you: pain free and shit
Kasey: let me bring up ski boots
you: and im still in my undies
Kasey: oooooh
you: yea
you: baby
Kasey: what kind of undies
you: tighty whites
you: not so white on the bottom
you: i had a accident
you: oops
you: need to wipe better
you: anyway
you: hows the boots
you: anything come to mind
Kasey: lol
you: these dalbellos menace 2 look sick
Kasey: I think the Dalbello Menace 2 boot
Kasey: yup
you: why
Kasey: 2 buckles
you: 2 solid reasons
you: and
Kasey: in and out like lighting
you: and
Kasey: they are cool
you: cmon
Kasey: lol
you: im gonna drop 110 on these
Kasey: shit
you: sup
Kasey: they aren't going to be super stiff for your little guy
you: tell me your in your bra and panties at least if you got no answer
you: speaking of stiff
you: ok
you: any feedback from the shops about em
Kasey: well I am in the office and Parker is giving me funny looks
Kasey: nope but I could call alex
Kasey: he would have some for sure
you: thats cause parker wishes he was talking with a dude in his undies
you: shhhh
you: he's gay as all fuck
you: him and nick are super brokeback
Kasey: lol
you: oh nick you ARE so freshs
Kasey: oh fuck I almost spit tea on my computer
you: give it to me while you wear that string on your head called a headband
Kasey: lol
you: your in the dangerzone nick. yes
you: thats it then huh
you: nothing
you: shiiiiiiit
you: does granite chief have live chat
Kasey: on the phone
Kasey: with Truckee
you: call them bitches up
Kasey: ok
you: there just watching movies telling themselfs how rad they are
you: "Dude, we're so rad we live in TAHOE."
Kasey: so they have had good feed back form parents
you: EX actly
you: thank you
Kasey: saying the the fit is better then salomon or nordica
you: really
you: like the fit of your jeans?
you: good fit
you: yea
Kasey: good fit
you: nice
you: what else
Kasey: yup not tight like Visco's
you: he wears your jeans
Kasey: they like it because it is made from higher quality materials as well
Kasey: last longer
you: is there something they say is better
you: seriosly
Kasey: also can push around a wider ski, for all these little powder rats here
Kasey: same in WA
you: what ski
Kasey: like the Volkl Manta Jr
Kasey: Mantra
you: park, pow and shred for a 6 year old future dangerzoner
Kasey: lol
you: soul grinds and shit
you: lou kanes
you: dspinnin
you: you know
you: volkle mantra
you: what binders
you: unions?
Kasey: whoa that sounds like some roller bladin' lingo to me
you: fuck yea, get the knee pads on
Kasey: mine are worn out
you: parker was a rollerblader in the midwest you know
you: NO ONE knows that either
you: shhhhh
you: back to it
Kasey: It sok
you: binders
you: what kind
Kasey: yup
you: with them Volkles
you: 50 lbs
Kasey: Look team Nova's
Kasey: ok
you: how $$$
you: much
Kasey: what is his DIN?
you: 3
you: whats your din
Kasey: I snowboard
you: for fags
you: you should ski
you: all hot bitches ski
Kasey: I tired
you: fag hags snowboard
Kasey: I used to work for a ski company
you: and
Kasey: $79.99 on the binders
Kasey: Look Team Nova 4
you: cool
you: ring that shit up please
you: i dont need a bag either
you: you want my credit card
you: will you mount it for me
you: you know like, will you drill into my ski and mount that binding
Kasey: yup
you: oh yea
Kasey: need your info
you: 6'3"
Kasey: ask chappy
you: 210lbs
Kasey: lol
Kasey: no way 210????
you: twisted steel with sex appeal
Kasey: I guess you are tall
you: not some little mid west pussy man boy with a headband
you: if you know what im saying
Kasey: lol
Kasey: and feathers
Kasey: I know
you: jesus
you: help him
you: ill pay extra for a makeover
Kasey: that would be fun
you: paying extra
you: ?
Kasey: we could film it an put it on EL
Kasey: to give him a makeover
you: whats el
you: like elle mcpherson
Kasey: EasyLoungin
you: that bitch is hot for a old hag
Kasey: hahah
Kasey: she is tall
you: id climb that ladder
you: she could make a ex ski company worker turned snowboarder chat opporater in her panties go gay
Kasey: ha
you: ha ha
you: just fucking with you
you: thanks for the set up
Kasey: the guitar player from Nashvill Pussy did that once
Kasey: hahaha
you: shes good
Kasey: you bet
you: she's DP's chick
Kasey: yes indeed
you: heroine though
you: filthy druggy
you: you do drugs
Kasey: Double Penetration?
you: duane peters from the DIe Hunns
Kasey: nope...I am an alcoholic
you: sick
Kasey: oh yeah
Kasey: I never remember her name
you: always snowing in Tahoe, bust out an 8ball!
Kasey: lol
you: Her name is
you: dirty drug slut
you: or something like that
you: hiv house
you: ms hiv house
you: alright back to soduko
you: later
Kasey: later
hahahahaha thats more like it. We can't all pull 190 pound black boxing champs at deserted bars in truckee on a weeknight....must be the combination of that nose mixed with my headband that you were wearing you fucking fruitloop :)
ReplyDeleteTwo words Parker...UN Defeated.
ReplyDeleteroflmao....that was epic shit Johan....never seen her before OR since!!
ReplyDeleteSooooooo, I'll post the second half of the convo here.
The joke was that once Nicky came to me all scared and nervous....and I quickly identified that it was THE Johan, I started coaching Nicky B what to say
So from here on is the full "part deux" that now has Nicky whining like he hates it here (when in all reality he gives me reacharounds on command)...and trying to "bait" you into something but you never really took it....
you: I bought em last week online, sent you my skis and bindings cause some DUDE said he'd take care of shit and mount em for me.
[18:11:44] you: then i get my skis and bindings back with teh boots i bought and there the wrong god damn bindings
[18:11:58] you: is that fat ass manager out of his donut shop yet
[18:12:08] you: tell him krispy cream just came by
[18:12:17] NickyB: you mean chappy
[18:12:28] NickyB: that donut eating bastard I hate him too\
[18:12:37] NickyB: my life sucks balls
[18:12:40] NickyB: get me out of here
[18:13:17] NickyB: do you have a job?
[18:13:22] NickyB: cause I need a new one
[18:13:49] you: Where we at with this sillyness nick ee
[18:14:06] NickyB: I don't know but I am getting out of here
[18:14:10] NickyB: give me a job
[18:14:16] NickyB: this shit sucks
[18:14:54] NickyB: there is some little white dog chewing on my nike's this is bullshit
[18:14:54] you: That's it i'm going on teh message boards and blasting that shit show of a shop you clowns have ther
[18:15:00] you: kick that fucking rat
[18:15:07] NickyB: I'm with you
[18:15:13] you: no your not
[18:15:17] you: fix my bindings
[18:15:32] NickyB: I'm tall and bald and have a big nose too
[18:15:36] you: seriosly they mounted new bindings on my skis and i sent em old ones
[18:15:39] NickyB: lets team up
[18:15:40] you: stupid fucks
[18:15:49] you: they wonder why there business is hurting
[18:15:53] you: free fifty
[18:16:24] NickyB: chappy won't eat donuts for a day that will take care of the mounting fee
[18:16:42] you: free bindings too
[18:16:54] NickyB: three days
[18:17:58] you: Alright, well yell to that little climbing queer Jason and fuck stick Chappy that I got my kids ski's boots and bindings and the shit was so on point that I had to go treat myself to a mid afternoon work jerk.
[18:18:25] NickyB: thats what I am doing now
[18:18:32] NickyB: work jerk is the best
[18:18:52] NickyB: untill parkers homo friends try and join in
[18:19:24] you: faggots with thier stupid head bands
[18:19:27] you: but whatever
[18:19:38] you: i think parker might actually pull some pussy?
[18:19:40] you: true?
[18:19:50] NickyB: Tight pants and v necks I don't get it
[18:20:01] NickyB: maybe
[18:20:20] NickyB: he pulls himself into chicks pants thats for sure
[18:20:20] you: or all them bitches he takes photos with are fag hags
[18:20:23] you: i dont know
[18:20:47] you: as long as the costume gets him puss he aint that gay.
[18:21:35] NickyB: just because he likes the way cock feels in his mouth does not mean he's gay
[18:21:56] NickyB: thats completely hetero
[18:27:42] you: He aint gay but his dick is
[18:28:58] NickyB: you mean like this click here
[18:29:08] you: faggot i dont click that shit
[18:29:30] NickyB: its your penis pumping fag shit
[18:29:51] NickyB: opps my bad
[18:29:56] NickyB: that was the gay dick one
[18:30:10] you: I heard you liked the tube
[18:30:12] you: is it true
[18:30:21] NickyB: sure do
[18:30:26] NickyB: I got a few inchs out of it
Then you just stopped talking and called of course to laugh a few good ones.....
xoxo as always :)
hahaha UN DEFEATED. She scared me a couple times. Only you could harness the power of the champ
ReplyDeletehahaha, chatted with NickyB today. She will never forget Johan.