"Jason was having a party at his house and you said "Piper come into the bedroom, there's a surprise for you" so I go and you and someone else I don't remember had laid out lines of "cocaine" out. You ask me if I want to do a line, I said sure. I realized very quickly you had laid out flour. You thought that was the funniest shit EVER! I was so mad, it made glue in my sinuses and I had a sinus infection for weeks. That was the last time I ever did "coke" or any other drug. Thanks. Haha!"
"Piper come into the bedroom, there's a surprise for you" so I go and you and someone else I don't remember had their dick's out. You asked me if I wanted to blow both of you at once, I said sure. I realized very quickly you had more than just two guys in that room. You thought that was the funniest shit EVER! I was so whetever, it made sense to do you all because well....that's what I did back then. Although I had a raging bladder infection for weeks because of the double penny session. I was like a pin cushion. That was the last time I ever did more than two guys at once or a polack. Thanks. Haha!"