Friday, May 15, 2009

Three's a charm

Monday will be my third time under anesthesia in the last year. This time Doc's going back in to last years knee clean up and re-cleaning it up??? "Doc, why is my knee still jacked when I got surgury last summer and didn't reinjure it this winter?" "Yea well funny you ask, we'd rather take out less than is needed and have to go back in instead of taking too much out." Ok cool, I love going under and counting backwards from 100 till i'm knocked out. I've only gotten to 97 but I'm detirmined to hit 96 Monday morning.
Actually I have a new Dr. this time. He's the dude I went to for a second opinion after Dr. 1 told me I would be on crutches for 4-6 weeks. This guy had a good road to recovery laid out for me so he got the job. Plus all the nurses running around is office had big schmeebs.
Monday brings a meniscus clean up and micro fracture procedure, which is where they drill holes in your leg bones so they bleed and build up some cartilage like padding in the knee. Then after a little rehab, homeys going in and injecting some Synvisc for some more lube and movement. On top of that we'll have some bracing to straighten out the leaning leg and of course some of them real inexpensive orthotics. I'll have an unenjoyable summer, that's for sure, but should be good to go for the winter. Of course I'll be taking some prescribed type of anti inflamitorys and shit.
All this is temporary though as I was told, "you WILL have a knee replacement." Wow I'm really looking forward to that.


  1. dude! SO gnar. that shit doesn't even look real.
    faaaaaaaaaaaak. ulclk!

  2. .
    I got nothing to say.
    Good luck?
    uh...break a leg?


    new fave rapper Ice Pak?

    Shoulda not hit that 100ft stepdown?

    doooooooooooood I give a consistent 30% in all I do, maybe all the speedchecks and pussing-out have been worth it...




  3. nastiest vagina EVER!!!

    but I'd hit it.

  4. Anonymous2:06 PM


  5. lee durfee8:15 PM

    rad pic. maybe i should have the gf take pics when they pull the 4 pins out of my wrist in a few weeks. shitty about the knee replacement though.

  6. Good luck with the surgery! You got some sweet looking insides! Like a hamburger.

    I'll be under Wednesday morning, but i'm gonna make it to 95 just to beat you...and my male nurses will be super hot.

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM

    j-hawn, had this surgery last june. enjoy the drugs, you will get a knee flexing machine to round the scar tissue off-USE IT! then, when allowed, get on a bike and get your shrunk quads back together (scary how much muscle one uses). go to the rehab, i had a hot pilates girl work me like a two dollar whore-very worthwhile.

    anyways, you'll be fine. send me some droogs.

  8. The reason I'm going to Dr. 2 vs. 1 is cause Dr. 2's philosophy is that if you're going to use a knee flexer you might as well be mobile. So crutches for a day, then walking and using it.
    Any tips on a speedier recovery? Things you should of done? And how long was the recovery?
    Thanks dude.

  9. Hang tough. Mexico is a good option for this kind of stuff.

  10. Dam I feel bad bitching about my injuries this winter, hang tough, get better and charge another day.

  11. Anonymous12:20 PM

    j., once done with the surgery, get your knee (per doc's orders) into the knee flexer (this helps to round scar tissue off right away and will reduce pain). you will most likely go to rehab where they will give you a bunch of surgical cord/rubber band exercises to do-do'em (at home, while watching t.v. or wherever-i set mine up so i could drink beer and watch t.v.). later, they will get you on a bike-don't stress your knee with aggressive riding; ride it around the block sans hill routes until your quad and calf muscles come back-and don't be too freaked with the amount of leg muscle disappearing, it'll come back.

  12. thanks J. Appreciate the advice. Beer....

  13. When you need joint replacement, I'm 11 years deep with a fake hip. I've got all kinds of advice for that shit. My only advice for this recovery is keep off the junk asap. Pain pills are a good time, I love em. But they are just about the worst for the system. As your 220 lbs of twisted steel are trying to fix itself, it's also trying to rid the system of sweet heavenly pain pills. That energy could be put to better use repairing faster and more solid. Have you noticed how hard it is to crap on them things? Find "Colon Cleanse" brand fiber. Maybe at GNC or Long's. Take 3 heaping soup spoons every night mixed in about 16 oz of apple juice or water. Stir it in and chug that shit before it sets up like cement. Do it about an hour before bed so you can sit up and let gravity move it south. It'll push everything out without causing a backside disaster. After a couple weeks you'll be a believer. Bueno suerte amigo.

  14. Looks like you're probably done counting by now. Hope everything went right as a reach-around. Keep us posted and take notes, I'm on the road to some knee slicing myself. Is it weird that picture made me hungry..?


