Friday, November 14, 2008


Got these three emails from "internet friends" while I was gone getting some in Colorado:

Hola, Se
Not sure if you've seen it yet, but we've got our shop blog up and running and I was wondering if you'd consider throwing a link to it in the schlogs section of your blog?

J, Just checked out your blog. Jonny has told me about it before. It's pretty rad. I would love to get a side link to mine on your site (shop Blogs).
I am sure you get a lot of these requests. No big deal if you don't.

how the fuck did i get axed from your links list...?
man i truly suck. off to hang myself now....
c3superpros blog is awesome. golf clap.

Hmmmm, now I know this "blog" has lots of work related shit on it as that's what a bunch of my life is filled with. It's also filled with kid tales, drunk outings, rants and raves, plugs, and things that generally stoke me out. It's a good way to stay in touch with all the people that I've known thru the years across the country and a way to stay updated. A myspace page for the retarded so to speak.
But I should be real clear about what this online soap box is not. It is not a company blog, not a brand blog, not a refering linker, or google ad lister, or anything like that. Any one else that reads it and enjoys it, all the better. If you don't, then click out. I've actually made quite a few internet friends thru my online ramblings and I appreciate each and every one. The-Tackledbox was once The-Tacklebox but too many industry dudes took my words as something that meant something when most of the time it's bullshit. Thus the box was tackled and the script was flipped.
All this banter is just a journal of bullshit from "Peter Pan" as a co-worker also dubbed me today. Peter Pan??? "Yea, you'll never grow up." I take that as a compliment even though I know it's not. 
Enjoy the weekend. Scott Sullivan tonight at the Whistling Post in Skykomish. 


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM and your cobb gobbler stash

  2. can you link me to ????

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    frilla mane stay tru to the game and always remember this aint no game much respeck due

  4. Anonymous2:31 PM

    blah blah blah, just for the record, blah blah blah, its not a company site, blah blah blah. Don't post company shit then you idiot!

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    "frilla mane stay tru to the game and always remember this aint no game much respeck due"

    You're white huh? "a" is short for a-hole.

    Ben's grew that stash so you'd look right suckin on your own dick.

  6. total hippo crit, cum planed then linked them up like a a good company blogger should.

    Man, I feel so much betta afta eye got that shit off my chest.

  7. Anonymous11:36 AM

    "You're white huh? "a" is short for a-hole."


    (dude, this is a snowboardey/punkery/bmxsite from what I can tell, of course I'm white...Russel Winfield/Bad Brains/___insert black beemerguy here*___ are the exceptions, not the rule. comeon. That's some fish in a barrel shit. Up ya game!)

    *I don't know from bmxpros.
