Friday, November 14, 2008

Mr. Creepy

My wife calls me that, in fact this morning she woke up and looked over at the stash and said "dude that thing has GOT to go." But I'm 7 weeks deep with this thing and starting to get used to it. In fact Tessa here at work just dubbed me Mr. Potato as the stash, hat and glasses look pushed on. Back to creepy, a couple years ago this young starlet named Nicole submitted a picture of herself in the shower holding a snowboard and a Super Pro Card. Somehow this circulated throughout our rep force and Super Pro’s worldwide. The bar had been set and people like Jacob Kaufman were out there to raise it. So fast forward two years later and Nichole sends in a nice sweet photo of herself. Quite a disappointment to fans worldwide. Then she follows up with this letter:

Subject: Re: Super Pro Form for Nicole, pick up on Friday

Thank you to much again!
Sorry about the pic, my boyfriend wouldn't approve this time.
Is it ok If I have a friend to pick up the board for me on Friday?
Thank you again

To which Mr. Creepy came out and went fishing with:
We’re going to have to have a talk with your boyfriend after all YOU are the one that started this photo Super Pro craze. Your photo 2 years ago got all the creative juices flowing across the country and it’s your civil duty to not let down your loyal fans. Do you know how many people ask who Nicole is? Where does she live? Will she appear on America’s next top model?

Look at Jacob Kauffman and his transformation thru the years. First he did the mangina to try and combat your shower prowess, and then he resorted to hiring hookers to try and one up you. But you’re still the Queen Bee in the Super Pro hive. Fridays ok to pick up, but please consider your fans and reconsider your submission.

Mr. Super Pro

I hope I used the right bait.


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    BC Bellingham Motherfucka!

    What What!

  2. nicole, please get naked again?

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    This is totally me lol wtf

  4. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Message me please .
