Wednesday, October 01, 2008

B 4 and afta

X-Rays of the shoulder before and after they got it in. Funny that the dude that wheeled me to the x-ray room for the first one felt that he should give me his expert diagnosis on the way back. Picture Joey Cwong street racer guy with a couple of cubic zirconium rocks in his ears saying this too. "Dude, your shoulder MESSED up! I don't need no x-rays to see that. Dude, that shit looks bad. I bet it hurts too! Man, I ain't never seen one like that. Don't worry, they'll probably be able to get it together. Yea...good luck man."

Saw the Doc that did my knee today and he gave me the good and bad news. Bad news was that I broke my shoulder and it was going to take 8 plus weeks to heal. He did the same thing and it was a year and a half before he said that he felt normal. Good news was that the shoulder was broke then came unhinged so that it didn't stretch the shit out in there and it shouldn't be a reoccurring injury. Things will heal up fine. He pulled me out of the sling so I can type with both hands but restricted my range of motion. So...not bad. Seems like I'm getting used to this shit.


  1. that first x ray is fucked up!!

  2. ewwwwww! oh ouch!!!!!!

  3. oh, and I forgot "gross"... no wonder they had to knock you out...

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    It's amazing the X-Ray has the strength to see through 245lbs of chizzled steel.

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    doc hobviously knows the importance of bloggin.

  6. Pain is just weakness escaping the are crazy! You should see when my friend dislocated his pinky. Shit looked like it went sideways. Cool x ray though.

  7. wow no wonder why you can't get your shirt on!

  8. Anonymous7:32 PM

    did the same thing at heavenly in 98, i did the rehab and was fine in 3 months, i had to have a pin put in as well, just don't be a lazy fucker: do the rehab

  9. Anonymous8:19 PM

    You can really see the wear and tear from shooting so much rope.

  10. Anonymous9:27 PM

    The best thing about Yo getting fucked up is it brings out great bi-partisan shit talkin in all of us.

    Two thumbs up everybody.

  11. Anonymous3:30 PM

    not cool.
