At 7AM the ski racers hit the hill and come down the same time the snowboarders make their way to the hill. We hi5'd our buddy Graham on his way down from shushing the ice before dropping $65 each for lift tickets.
My ticket was $15 seeing how the wife wouldn't let me snowboard over to the park. So I walked.
Ran into two old bro's at the top of the pipe, Tommy Czeschin and Spencer Tamblyn. Tommy used to ride for us at Northwave. He spent a night on our couch in Seattle, hit the bmx jumps with me at Greenlake, went over the bars and ate shit, then I took him to the best Pennywise show ever up in Whistler. He was 17 at the time. He's 35 now, 3 kids, pro model surf board on Liquid Force and one of the US Coaches. Spence is the original Flying Freckle that was supposed be the next it kid when we were in Steamboat. Now he brings along kids like Ben Ferguson until they get noticed and then hands em off to some other dude that takes credit for what he did.
Moms getting her first bite of the wiener that Ted Bundy built for her.
Super side piped
Hoof out
Mid spin cycle
Donkey kick
Gnar ate a little shit at Windells skate park.
And was out cold Steve Austin on the way home.
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