Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Month 20, day 182

When you get old,  turn into a pussy, and lose any trick you had on a snowboard, you need to find new ways to stand out from the pack.
My solution, snowboard every month of the year, more days than most.  Saturday was the last day of May, and I was missing a day on the hill for this month, so off to Stevens we went.  We had loaded up a free cord of wood from our buddy Tonto first.  Free in the sense that the wood was free.  But take in account the $75 rental of the log splitter, $100 for the trailer, $32 in gas and the 7 hours of labor and it's not that free.
Once at the cabin, we realized that we left Mac's split board in Seattle, so he was volunteered into unloading the wood while Milo and I climbed the hill.
Milo picked out the route, which was under Hogs, thru House Wives and straight up Skyline to the top.  56 min later I was at the top, and 20 mins more, we were at the bottom.

Snowboarder Mag hat, vintage Vaurnet's and some Wise blasting in my ears, my old ass smoked him to the top. 
 3-4 feet of snow depth.  Barely any dirt spots.  More base than we have in December.
 Snow to the bottom.  Skyline lift could/SHOULD still be running.
Stop at Burch's Soda Shop, where they let you take free bottled soda.
Whats up now Josh Parker?