Friday, September 09, 2011

R.I.P. Boris 1997-2011

Boris, Ignorus, Boar, Booda, Mr. Boar, the $17,000 free dog, Shit Bag....was put down today after a solid 15 years of ruling the roost.  With 3 kills under his belt that consisted of two crows and a squirrel, this pure bred Peagle (pig/beagle hybrid mix) owned the couch, bed and floor anywhere he went regardless if he was allowed on them or not.  The dude marched to his own beat. 
Thanks for all the memory's buddy.  I love ya.


  1. Love the Boodah... gonna miss him too, damn.

    Ripping around the back yard, teaching P to howl, wrecking shop on vehicle interiors and on and on.

    A solid family member he was.

  2. Sorry for the loss yo- great dog, great friend (except the day he full on took a piss on my leg as I was in my work slacks)Rip Borris you will be missed.

  3. Sorry buddy. I loved that little fucker. Always good comedy. My favorite was when you'd leave for lunch and he'd freak out, howling, and hopping up on counter tops by the window looking for you. Then about 5 minutes later he'd pick PK as his new best friend and shadow him non-stop.

  4. RIP Boris. Go get some tail in doggy heaven.

  5. Fuckin' bummer, man. Sorry to hear that...

  6. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Rest In Peace, little one. Run even further, Boris :-)


  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    RIP Boar. You were the Terje Haakonsen of Beagles.


  8. Sorry to hear it. Beagles will always march to their own drum.

  9. Damn dude, sorry to hear about the dog. Sucks that so many shitty people get long lives but dogs have at best 15 years.
