Thursday, July 28, 2011

Very famous, not possible, black money and bad people...

These would be the 4 phrases I seemed to key in on during this trip.  Everything in Europe when people are talking about something they either know, is in there home town, or are associated with is "VERY FAMOUS."  Oh serious?  "Not possible" on the other hand is how Euro's handle shit they don't feel like dealing with.  "Excuse me, would you mind bringing me some cream for my coffee?"  "Um, it is NOT POSSIBLE."  Thanks for the effort chief.  "Black Money" is rich people or the mafia.  It's an explanation for dudes rolling super deep, but couldn't hold a day job.  I think we call them drug dealers?  Or pro athletes.  And "bad people," well, there just bad.  People here still have gated homes, bars on their windows, and always lock their doors in these parts.  Euro still has some cowboy rape and pillage to it.  Which keeps it rad.  Regardless of the above, Europes the best.  Actually, Italy is the best.  The people, food, culture, atti-dude, scenery, wardrobes, shit all of it's pretty fucking awesome.  Stoked I get to roll into here and have the side kicks and chapperones that I do when we come. 
Hor-Hey hates tomato's, but ate the shit out of this bruscetta.
Pounded out baby cow.  Moooooooo
This right here could land you in jail in Italy.  It's kind of racist, but it's called "meat mixing" and it's a huge no-no.  I was asked WHAT I wanted for lunch.  "Hmmm some ham and salami please."  "Not possible."  You see, Italians feel like they've been getting everything stolen from them.  That they are loosing their culture and identity.  And because of it, they refuse to budge on their food values.  So...ham made properly, doesn't need to be acompanied by salami.  Simple right?
I made these bad boys to start the day.  Procutto, parma, some other Italian cheese, eggs, tomato's and boom.  Breakfast of Americans.
Starbucks ain't got shit on Italians and coffee drinking.  I actually counted how many of these we "stopped" and had yesterday.  SEVEN.
Windsurf Paradise on Lake Como, in Colico.  Bunch of kite boarding going on.  Dudes grabbing their boards and shit.  Pretty funny, and rad at the same time.
Yep, it's shipping time for 2011/12 product already.
Production Forces.  New toe straps too.
Whats up now Farmer?

So with the whole food thing that our Italian friends have going on, Hor Hey and I decided to cook a traditional American dinner for 14 of our bro's.  Hamburgers.  The joke that night was that they were called Cobra-Burgers.  "So you dudes like simple right?  Cool, put this in your mouth then."  Hamburger, with grilled onions, blue cheese, avacado, lettuce, tomato, catsup, mayo and mustard.  Fuckers were squirming at first with the orgasms going on in their mouths.  Blew thru 20 of em that night and I didn't even get to eat cause they were too busy shoving them down their throats to care whether or not I got to eat.
Gigi had two of them.
This is one of the many coffee spots we stopped at.  Locals call it Bella Tit-eh, or in the english version, Sweet Titties.  Apparently the barista has some shmeebs.  We charmed Bella Tit-eh and she let me barrista up a few round.  This was our 3rd coffee of the day, and we were on our way INTO the office.
"Gigi, another coffee?"
Coffee # 4
Cigarette box in Euro.  Tasty!

Yes, coffee #5 at lunch.

How I talked with my family while here.  I-Chats the shit.  Cept when the kids fuck up the camera and their blurry.  Here you can see Milo with Mac in a head lock.  Comedy.
Injection moulds
"Um, one more coffee?"  #6

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