Tackledbox...RECOGNIZE! You NO your blogs legit and shit when
Tosh.0 is re-blagathoning from the Box. Read the comments section. Priceless. Quote of the year: "
"this just seems like a really bad idea but at the same time i cant help to wonder what a video of this scenario would look like. and by the way…who the fuck is taking this picture? i cant help but think its a terrible parent or if it is a child i wonder where the fuck the parents are!"
Now seriously,
FAIL BLOG. Wiener just got another minute of fame added to his 15 from yesterday. Milo is SOOOOO pissed right now. Mac point 0 and Milo point NO.

But all them other things aside...shit when the
A-Man throws your kid up on his deal, shits real. Time to add another minute. Hands down my favorite shit talker on the nets. And that's a compliment. Read
this if you don't believe me.

Yea Wiener, you're a hit with the mainstream. Going all Shawn White on us aren't you?
His name is the Wiener and he's 7.
ReplyDeleteThat's one of the greatest sentences ever written.
His name is the Wiener and he's 7.
I'm dying! ahahahaha
"i bet that kid has Vietnam like flashbacks when he watches E.T." - from Tosh.0