Friday, June 04, 2010

Doug needs a nickname

I feel like it's an episode of Seinfeld here but "apparently" Doug is looking for a nickname. He's tired of being called Doug. So please help the dude who offers us here at C3 more support than Victoria's Secret. Thank you, have a good weekend.


  1. H.M.D.5:48 PM

    Not true. Taken out of context. Anyways...I already have a nicknamed bestowed upon me many years ago by Blue, "Heavy Metal Doug". Done and Done.

  2. I like Fug. Short for Fuckin' Doug.

  3. Ted Knight10:29 AM

    Chug Foss: When he's drinking beer.
    Lug Foss: When he's carrying something heavy.
    Tug Foss: When he's jacking it.
    Rug Foss: When he's sleeping on the floor.
    Mug Foss: Drinking coffee.
    Thug Foss: All Day - Every Day!!

  4. How `bout Douche?

    Yeah Foss!

  5. It's Airbender. Like that Avatar TV show.
