Monday, May 17, 2010


Channel compatible bitch. Works with 2010-11 EST boards.


  1. If them things was from the old days, it would be a 2-part disc and made of an amazing material that becomes dangerously brittle in cold temps. That my friend, would be awesome.

  2. GBALLZ10:01 PM

    I seem to recall hating that?

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    my skateboard has a 4-hole insert pattern, think i will keep it the same on my snow deck...unless capita is thinking of going back to its slider system (which i cannot see, but do i know).

  4. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I find it interesting that some companies are coming out with channel disc now. Burton is coming off of one of the worst years they've ever had sales wise. I personally think that one of the reasons there sales were so far down was the compatibility issues.

    In 1993 it worked for Burton to say you could only use their binders, since there really weren't too many options out there. This time around it didn't work, because there are great binders out there from Union, Ride, Rome, K2, etc...

    Riders going into shops last season that wanted that Burton Hero ended up saying screw that board if I can't slap my Forces on it ,I don't want it then, what is the closest thing to it that my Forces will work on?

    By making a disc you're giving them part of the sale back again... With a season of riders that are used to not being able to use their Unions on Burton decks and willing to ride a Capita or other Non-Burton board instead, I find it interesting for a company in a strong position to make the disc and let Burton back in.
