Restaurant Chains thrive there, no mom and pops
The place is real expensive
College Bookstores cater to “COLLEGE KIDS” but the people that run these stores are Grand Ma’s and Grand Pa’s. Extremely out of touch.
We felt out of touch at the College Book Store trade show.
It’s good to go out of your comfort zone.
There is no “distribution” issues with Colleges.
Met a dude whose business is pillow cases. Was the highlight of the trip.
Luke Edgar can drink Jaeger anywhere and have a good time.
Cab drivers take extreme pride in their rigs. We went to Tai food in an Escalade XL that was super dope, for the same price that a Haitian would have taken us there in a shit box.
There’s Haitian relief in
Y’all is a word used in every sentence.
You can get sunburn when it’s cloudy out.
You can’t drink booze till noon on Sunday because it’s the Bible belt. Jesus DID turn water into wine for a reason.
I will never go there again
Everyone I know from Florida is nuts. They all have a story about waking up in jail when they're 14, blasted out of their mind on some sort of powdered drug. It's just what happens there. From what I've seen, I don't want to visit...ever.
Which Olive Garden you wanna eat at tonight?
ReplyDeleteBut we had so much fun there at 8am on a Sunday morning!
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention: 1. the weather sucked, wasn't it supposed to be spring break? 2. the drinks are expensive 3. l have never seen so much unnecessary shit with college logos on it in my life 4. Mom jeans, lots of them 6. Tony Robbins 7. Super Sized meals that taste like shit 8. the list goes one.... one good thing. had 2 normal people to hand out with. don't be a stranger next time you are southbound. domo