Year three for me and the luck ran out. Told too many of my friends about it, they flew out and smoked me. Oh well, at least I beat Pete and Chris Saari and Bob Klien again.
And my kid kicked ass, made a couple new friends and in general it was a incredible three day weeked.
Once again Joe and Chad from Session beer got the house, tickets and spots in the Banked for the C3 dudes to come in and swarm all over like a pack of seagulls. Once again, thank you Session Beer dudes.
Our house included Benny from Milo, Mike D from Garfinkles, Chappy from Porters, Wilmoth our NorCal Rep, Gorio and Amy from EVO, pro shred Zack, Nate from Stevens Pass, Joe, Chad, Milo and I. Instead of getting all wordy and shit, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...
Session sponsered 10 Year Anniversary BLACK SNOWBOARD OF DEATHS, the PERFECT Banked board.

I was the first out of the gates on finals day. Clean corse all to myself. And fell on the 5th turn.


Mr. Tom Burt and Milo.

Bob Klein and the Cookie Monster, John Chapman. Got a photo with these two right after they adjusted their" attit-dudes." I bet you can't tell.

Shit talker and Quiver Killer CAMBER board fan, Benny Pelli-Knee-Grow.

45 min hike out to the Shuskan Arm was in the cards on Saturday.

And Milo got some.

Walking from the car to the lodge, some DOUCHE with ski's just picks them up and whips them behind him, like harpooners do and the fucker clipped me in the nose. Dude took me to the ground with the hit. I thought I lost my teeth and broke my nose. I was down in a crouch for a couple minutes thinking about knocking the fucker out then just walked away mumbling, "and you wonder why we hate you..."

Cody and Jack Warble were KILLING shit all weekend. Milo made some good new friends.

The real C3 showed up. Chappys Cheese Chest. The dude was like a sushi chef with cheeses. God damn was I bound up. Double flushes were in order.

Milo deep in the course. The first day the little fucker posted times FASTER than half the house. Not faster than Dad, but real fucking close. Next year, I ain't waxing his stick.

The real contest went down after the slalom down by the rope tow. Cody, Jack, Hank, Javis, Milo and Milo put on a clinic off the mini booter. You will see footy of it somewhere else.

Mike D and the Legend. The D stands for DENIAL. His new name is Tut. Cause he's the King of Denial.

Silver Bitches.

Soooooooo stoked for Ben. He came to this country across the Reo Grande with a dozen milk jugs floating him across to safety as he didn't know how to swim. He's avoided INS thru the years of dish washing then married a 400lbs lesbian for 3 years to get his green card. Now as a citizen, Ben is living the American dream. Instead of riding donkeys, he rides pow, owns a snowboard shop and won silver at one of the purest shred events ever. Congrats Amigo! YOU DID IT!

Thanks Baker for another legendary event. The staff did nothing but smile for three days straight, the course ruled, friends were all in force and the shit talking was next level. Till next year....
muchas gracias amigo!!! and-a-le!!! aye.aye.aye!