Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Something's wrong with this picture

Hmmmm, let's see, I'm an only child and my birthday was on the 15th of last month. Packy shows up yesterday with this. 17 days late, and no phone call on my special day ta boot. In the package was a XXL flannel (used) that came with cat hair on it, and a framed picture that I'm supposed to hang in the bathroom. But there's no glass in the frame. Thanks Parents.


  1. Obviously not their favorite child.

  2. Gballz8:52 AM

    Looks like they know you like to shit. Sub the books for skin mags and it's about right.

  3. That picture is from your parents bathroom !
    Starboard side of the toilet.
    Ha Ha Ha, you got re-gifted.
