Sunday, October 04, 2009


"Its like making people race bikes with training wheels because they are easier to fucking ride!" Yea, this has been passed around like a college hoe thru the room mates but there's something deep here. It took 6 or 7 people forwarding this shit on to me before I even watched it. I thought it was some more Banana Propaganda. Now I'm all for the reverse camber craze but when peeps are riding product they don't belong on but are buying it for the craze...then the backing goes away. Any dude that made this must work in a shop and have a similar frustration. So if you haven't watched this, give er a run. If you have, then keep clicking.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    hilarious, I am sticking with " Reverse Rocker " THough.
