Thursday, September 10, 2009


of goods leaving this place daily and ending up in shops. Love this time of year.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Have you guys shipped any Union Forces to Dogfunk/Backcountry yet? Only reason I ask is because Union isn't even showing up in the dropbox under bindings.

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    don't worry they will have them soon, but don't buy them there, go to an actual snowboard shop to buy snowboard gear, not liberty media

  3. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Sorry dude. I live in nyc. We don't have core shops here. We have retailers that pretend to be though.

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    im sure there are some good shops in jersey or ct. dont support dogsuck/sackcuntry.

  5. there are shops all over north jersey and nyc you tool. your probably 14 anyway.

    Mcafee Ski and Snowboard carried union forces. they are right nect to south and i bet thats where you ride.

    Also down the road from there, Outkast Sports
