Friday, May 22, 2009

The Outsiders

Swim Team from Nose Dradamous on Vimeo.

We live in a real blue collar neighborhood that boarders one of the more exclusive hoods in the city where all them rich folk live. Actually that neighborhood was built for the Boeing executives and ours was for the factory workers. Oh well whatever the world needs ditch diggers too right? Anyway this rich place has their own clubhouse and pool. It's awesome and we always wished we could use it when that suns beating down. Some of our rich friends will bring us in time to time but you know it sucks when it's incredi out in Seattle and your laying out in your back yard hosing each other off pretending that it's refreshing. So for the first time in 10 years the rich folks needed some more kids for their swim team and well it just so happens we got in. "We're moving on up to the penthouse Weezey!" The kids got to practice a hour a day, 5 days a week and then we get to use the club anytime we want. The only hitch is, we CAN'T bring any of our friends in the club with us. Fuckers.

1 comment:

  1. yer killing me.

    I was year-round speedo-clad from the ages of 6-14. Sicc at backstroke, but honestly: thank you skateboarding!

    CONCACAGF'S boss's teen daughter is the lifeguard. Rumored to be hott. Izallimsayn. Izalliknow.
