Thursday, April 30, 2009

Big in Japan

Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation:
Last night the fireworks & the bonfire party.   It was one day when and, this day is deepest at season, is deep, is deep, is long.   As for Foot pen 70cm.   H2D 26cm HST 46cm However it was last, it was deepest,….      Avalanche frequently occurrence.       Sc size 2 ×3    Entirely, it was the instability, generally known storm [insutabiritei] with the slope which has the windage.   Because is, management it was easy to do, quickly moving to the topography of the forest zone which does not have the windage, it enjoyed.   So, today rising, the clue which gets together with the voice applying of the North American snow board magazine Frequency Magazine.   After one year meeting to Jessi of Editor,   Meeting to MaX of Space Craft,    It could meet to Johan of UNION Binding the fact that it is splendid, even among them.


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  2. is that yuski form baldface???

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    sick shot, who snapped it, yo?
