Freq week was going down at Baldface while we were all up there and we met one of the subscribers who's name was Graham. He drove up solo from Oregon for 4 days of shred. One look at him and we instantly re-named him Jesus. He'd come rolling into the dinning room full of people and our group would break out with "Jesus is just alright." Ya know, some frat boy jock shit but what ever it was entertaining. To us at least.
Then the morning after we did this "Last Supper" photo, Jesus wasn't alright. Graham had a freaking seizure at the breakfast table and had to be heli evacuated out of there. Mess with the bull, get the horns type of shit.
you bring out the worst in people, johan.
ReplyDeletefotog appears to have geeked a little too...
ReplyDeletewho administered mouth-to-mouth?
The vengful hand of god reached down and bitchslapped a hippy. Thou shalt not worship a false Hey Soos while shredin the Gnar.
ReplyDeleteheysus man, cool photo. but i must ask, are you runnin crocs in that photo? oh the horror!
ReplyDeletehahaha busted!
oh shit-mini van slippers?!? i mean i knew he was old...but...but...this is...
ReplyDeleteFuck yea them are crocs. I've never hidden it. http://the-tackledbox.blogspot.com/2007/07/crocs.html
ReplyDeleteJesus has a blog.
it's a small e-Nets after all!
ReplyDeleteI've been on dude's blog; and was actually there yesterday, thinking, "dang: this dude started out pretty good, but he's been stuck on skate banana review for the past month WTF come with the updates..."
Not my first rodeo, as it were. I had a seizure almost exactly a year ago. Just got done paying for that one. You can bet the heli-evac will have me paying even longer. Anyone want to set the over/under? I know I've been late on the blog updates, that's because of the rib injury sustained back in January. I think I'm back on it now, that is if I can find a ride to the mountain...
ReplyDeleteNot sure what Jesus does for a living, but I'd like start the betting at 27 months. Here's why. 1 average seizure=1 year to pay off. The seizure might be the cheap part. It's the heli ride in the wrong direction that's adding a year and 3 months to my time factoring. Too bad The Lord's Only Son can't turn some trail mix into cash. Good luck buddy. I wish you well.
ReplyDeleteGraham hit me up at chappy@porterstahoe.com and I'd like to offer a little bit of monetary assistance....you know a few hundred bucks to help the cause. I figure that would be better than placing my over/under bet plus it might atone for some of my sins while up at Baldface.
ReplyDeleteSeriously...no bullshit.
Hopefully that might shame some of the other apostles into giving you a few shekles too. God knows...uh...er...you know they need some redemption too!!
I'm down with this Jesus Christ Salvation Army. This would be awesome. I happen to have an extra benjamin layin around and could use some karma, man. Count me in for $100. Hit me up Graham...AND ONLY GRAHAM. jeff@sexwax.com Once again, no bullshit. But if this takes off, it's gonna fuck up my "27 months".
ReplyDeleteRight?? A benjamin's worth of karma could be a true win-win here, and instead of paying for the next Affliction pay-per-view fight, a 30-pack, and some chex mix there fellow apostles....why not throw that Graham's way?
ReplyDeleteI'm down to chip in...sthe plate Graham....I still owe you for losing a few dart games