Saturday, February 14, 2009

Take your kid to work days

For the last couple of years, Milo has begged me to take him on one of my “business trips” that involve snowboarding. So after being gone for 9 days in Vegas then parlaying that into 3 at the Banked Slalom, I figured it was time. A text message to the wife on the way back from Banked seemed to throw a wrench in my plans when she wrote back “I’m over it, kids are running me ragged.” So when I told her my plans, I thought there was a veto in the air but she shouts “take him, get him out of here.” Lucky him for being the little fucker that he is. Mom’s did things right too, she went to school and talked to the teachers and he had a homework assignment to write a paragraph on what he did on Dad’s business trip. Which read:

Sorry there's no music. Stupid YouTube says that the Van Halen song that I used has copywrite infringement. Then when I tried to load it on Vimeo, it was simply jacked.

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