Thursday, September 18, 2008

Take Back Your Backyard

Ben sent this over this morning:
"Just prior to hosting record crowds at the Dew Tour stop in Salt Lake City, Utah this past weekend, the Salt Lake Valley Health Department has officially passed an ordinance to ban all ramps (present or future) on residential property. Their reason? Well, of course, Community Noise Pollution Control Regulation.
Apparently, a couple of city officials dropped by the home of skater Nick Hale just weeks after he'd re-layered his mini ramp with brand new Skatelite to inform him of his now-illegal structure. As a result, he has launched a new website, to round up support against this very unfair and unjust ordinance."
I can't wait for that crap to happen here. Milo would tail whip his scooter into a mini tornado and kill someone trying to take his ramp that he worked two years for.


  1. ramp ban on private property, that's rediculous.

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Yea, redic

  3. Anonymous6:12 PM

    all you fuckers better sign the damn petition!!!

  4. Anonymous1:47 AM

    we was finsta have a ramp in my backyard but my pops got sick with kidney disease.

    Never got the ramp.

    yeah, fuckin serious business. WOT? I ain't lying.

    they'll take this kid's ramp from my cold dead hands izallimsayn

    f the police

