Saturday, June 07, 2008


...and not the face cream to get rid of zits. Yesterdays surgery was simple though. In the office at 2, back room by 3. Needle in the arm at 3:15, "count backwards from 100 please." Hit 98, haven't been able to get to 97 in the 4 times being under. Woke up at 4:45, couple of Oxys at 5, at the baseball field at 5:10 watching Milo's 2nd to last baseball game. He got a triple play too. At least that's what I think I saw him do.


  1. extra mellow oxy-assisted easy style, eh?

  2. yay on surgery and oxy!

  3. Anonymous4:25 PM

    yeah, way to go John Makosh.

  4. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Oh I just got a boner seeing that bottle of pills.

  5. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Thank god something gives wirtanen boners besides Fat Chic's and dudes in speedos

  6. so happy for you that it went well!!!

  7. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Youporn was boring so I'm stopping by Tackledbox to check out that big fat bottle of speedos...oops, I mean pills.

  8. You just let every tweeker out there know you got drugs for them to break into your house and steal.

  9. I got liquid Morphine too. Buddy came by, said it was $400 a bottle. "Try it, it's great." Fortunately I've weened myself off Percs and on to Advil. I have 30 or so Percs left. Gonna put them up on Ebay.

  10. one guess on who will be the high bidder?

  11. Anonymous12:40 PM

    heffe, maybe you should graduate from youporn, to spankwire.

  12. Anonymous12:44 PM

    You should cram that knee of yours into the Bangburban and road trip down to Santa Barbara to drop those percs off. My "friend" needs them.
