Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hoe Hoe Hoe

Santa must have Alzheimer's or something cause the Hoe Hoeing came to the cabin a couple days early. Tonto and Jew Lee were up, along with Mom Malkoski and the rest of us. We were snuggled down with thoughts of sugar plums when all of a sudden we were awaken by a stirring. No it wasn't Rudolph on the roof. No it was someone just outside our bedroom window. Upon further investigation it came to our attention that two drunk asses saw a dry spot under the big tree by our bedroom and decided that the time was right. I looked out the window to the sight of these two hitting it dog. In between laughter, I grabbed my trusty Elph SD 630 and ran to the front porch. As the red focus light bounced off these two, the pig looked up just in time for the flash to capture this romantic encounter going on in pine needles and 30 degree temperatures. The best part of this picture is of course the trusty hound, sitting by his master saying "atta boy!"

I can't wait till Christmas next year, as this is for sure going to be my Christmas card.


  1. So did you join 'em? Dirty ol' man...

  2. I would say that could be Benny, but then again that looks like male/female intercourse, not male/dog intercourse.

  3. you have got to be fucking kidding me???

  4. happy holidays. glad that someone got what they wished for from santa.

  5. Anonymous2:19 PM

    thats good fucking right there!
