Tuesday, April 03, 2007


So I was hiking some shit in the back country at Stevens this weekend trying to get my pow on and shit. I heard this rustling around and howling, and kinda started to freak out. Then I spot this fucking moose down the meadow and a pack of freaking wolves is trailing the thing. I’m like “fuck this” and climb the nearest tree. Then proceed to watch the wolves take down this horned beast and maul it right below me. Had to sit in that tree for like 2 hours before I came down and beat feat.


  1. This story is false of course but Party Kate sent me the photo's from AK and told a story like it about the dude that took them.

  2. it would be that much cooler if it was you and you fended off the wolves and ate the carcass yourself...

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    We all knew you were lying well before that ridiculous line about your fat, pansy ass climbing up a fucking tree like an spider aboriginee. Give me a break, fatso. The closest you came was LazyBoying up to the TV and watching TLC, MF.
