Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Get ready for a selfie/boozie photo blast here. This is a photo montage of our annual winter sales meeting that we held the week before Thanksgiving over in Innsbruck Austria.  Almost every shot has booze in it, and to tell you the truth, there was only one night that I felt like I poured booze down my throat.  Anyway...enjoy, lots of me and booze, in Europe, with a bunch of dudes, food and mountains.
Flight out of Seattle at 4PM.
The sun rise over Scotland was insane.
The warm tub, not hot tub was on the roof with this backdrop.
Italian food, in Austria pre meeting inner company style.

Then the Americans arrived and this ensued. A toast to #piatekpays
Chris Wilmot
This is some sort of spiced cider with booze called Gluvine or nasty in english.
We're making watches now?  Apparently so.
Blue Tomato is the Zumiez of Euro. Store was insane.

I ate this ah lot.  Schnitzel.
A "very famous" after lunch schnapps.  That was nasty.
"Hey you wanna try some booze from China?"  Uh sure.
Party Toshi and Party Marty make up the Party Dream Team. 
Presentation day lunch.  Yep, 120 heads here.
Pretty cool to see your little guys on the big screen.  Mac was the co-host of Gumby's opener, and Milo held it down for the kids binding section with Union.  "Talent obviously skips a generation."  Was the quote.
Giggles showed up.
"Johan, you only drink vodka with friends.  Because when you drink vodka, you tell secrets and you only want your friends to know."  As told to me by our Russian Distributor Maxx.
About to go to bed, and there he is in all his glory.  Party Marty.  This is the night I had a couple of schnapps.  Because he said so.  Of course it was nasty.
USA won the 10 year distributor of the year award for Union, so we celebrated during out meeting time.  Booze and meetings?  Hand in hand.
Cheers bitches.
Broadwell couldn't get enough of the wieners over there.  Right after this, he went on InstaDildo and #unfollowtedore
Snowboarding on the Stubai glacier was pretty fun.  Deck whited out for security reasons.

We rode that!  And it was blower waist deep pow. 
Our tracks.
A French couple was seen on the slopes.
Apres team building is better done at the hill vs. the bar.  Practice what you preach. 

No idea why I took this picture.
I opened a store over there.
Second day on the hill, we ran into Billy Anderson from Burton, Gigi and Sebi Meuller.  Good times.
Uh, more team building.
Then we got fucked by the airline on the way home.   Sweaty and I, pre 23.5 hour travel time home.  Not stoked.  Great meeting, great shredding, great people and a great location.   Fuck you Delta.  You can suck a fat dick.  $400 a piece right there on our faces it cost us to catch a flight you made us miss.

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